Review: Montagne Jeunesse Aloe Vera Tonic

Posted by dublek on Monday, March 14, 2011

Good morning ladies :) Last week was very hectic for me with all the assignments I had and dissertation write-up (this has been my routine for weeks now, apart from the studying I have to cover for my final exams in June) so I didn't have time to do a proper facial and relax for the usual 20 - 30 minutes.  Instead, I have been using the Montagne Jeunesse Aloe Vera Tonic.  What's the difference you might ask? Read on to find out :p

First of all, the packaging is the same fun, brightly coloured sachet like the usual face masques from MJ.  You might argue it is a different shape as the MJ tonics' sachets are tear-drop shaped but that's not what is really interesting about this tonic.

Open up the sachet and you are greeted with this! A piece of fabric soaked with the tonic with pre-cut spaces for eyes, nose and mouth. Actually, you take off the mouth piece and place across your nose, then pop on the fabric mask and relax for just 5 minutes! Perfect to squeeze between busy schedules right?!  I really like the prints on the fabric as apart from being cute, it shows that MJ really puts that extra effort in the way they present their products.

As the name suggests, this is an Aloe Vera tonic and it also contains Green Tea... a perfect combo to relax and unwind in just a few minutes.  It is very soothing and calming and it has also helped with the dry skin I have been having these past few weeks cause of the weather.  The smell is also very fresh and can take you to a better place instantly!

Since this is a fabric mask, I only used it twice (once from each side) to prevent breakouts.  However, you still get a lot of tonic remaining.

This has been my favourite way to relax for several weeks and this tonic has been bought a lot of times before and I always like the results and the way my skin feels after using it.

Get your fix of Natural Beauty Products at Montagne Jeunesse!

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