More haulin'....

Posted by dublek on Monday, April 4, 2011

Good morning ladies! How are you all after the weekend? Mine was pretty much a relaxing one now that I have got my dissertation and assignments out of the way so I could focus more on studying.  Anyways, yesterday I woke up a bit late and Mum greeted me with a smile and said 'go get yourself ready, we're going to Sliema'.  In an hour, we were out the door and in my Dad's car, on our way to The Point (largest shopping mall in Malta).  The mall itself has opened its doors for the first time last year and as a 1 year celebration, the shops were open all throughout the weekend, including Sunday.  We only shopped at New Look though as I was looking for a skirt to go with the jacket I'm wearing on Easter Sunday.  I also got another slouchy cardi as the ones I got are every so comfy yet stylish as well as two Montagne Jeunesse face masques as I have never tried this particular one.  Here are the photos:

Enjoy your week lovelies and stay beautiful!

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