Tag: What's in my purse?

Posted by dublek on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I have been tagged by Stavroula to do a 'What's in my purse?' post. So here goes!

This is my purse...

It is one of the many I own but I chose this one as it is the one I use the most. In fact, I use it for school as well. I got it from Tally Weijl at around €20 and I love it! It has plenty of room and holds pretty much everything! Anyways, here are the usual contents:

Red Patent Mock-Crock Nine West Wallet ~ I like this wallet which was a gift from my cousin and his wife. It has plenty of room for all my cards etc and it looks really nice as well.

Umbrella ~ weather is getting wintery over here!

Betty Boop mobile cover ~ this was an early gift from my bf, knowing how much I love Betty Boop, it was a safe bet hehe! My mobile phone is not pictured because I took the pic with it.

Pink iPod Shuffle ~ good for when I'm bored on my 1 hour bus journey to University. I keep it in the green Next purse pictured near it.

Wet Wipes ~ great for disinfecting hands before/after eating out and all other emergencies. They smell nice too... Blackberry/Strawberry & Kiwi/Melon are the current ones!

Comb ~ to avoid tangles in my hair

Make-up purse ~ this is an American Airlines cosmetics pouch in which I carry a simple sewing kit, blotting sheets, nail file, hand creams, black eye pencil, perfume sample, lip balm and mirror as well as band-aids and a couple of Panadols (not pictured). I sometimes carry the lipgloss/lipstick I am wearing on a particular day.

Tissues ~ I never leave the house without a packet!

House keys ~ which I keep on a Betty Boop keyring and a pink butterfly key-finder. Basically, the key-finder is hook-shaped so you can hang it to the inner compartment in your bag and that way, I don't have to rummage in my bag forever to find the keys!

*When I use this bag for school, apart from the above, I also have some A4 paper, my pencil case and hospital access card (I study there).

I tag everyone who feels like doing this! 

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