Review: Estee Lauder Lip Defining Pencil in Spice

Posted by dublek on Monday, October 4, 2010

Hello my lovelies hope you're all well :) Today, I am going to review Estee Lauder Lip Defining Pencil in Spice. I've had this lip-liner for a long time but I only got round to use it last year! My aunt got it for me from the US during one of their visits along with my beloved Estee Lauder eyeshadow palette and an eye-liner, also by Estee Lauder. She really loves this brand, and knowing how expensive it is here in Malta, she gets me some of their products from time to time (along with a whole bunch of other make-up stuff, body lotions, perfumes, and... well you get the drift :p). 

Before I go back to the actual lip-liner, here's a little rambly story... Although I was acquainted with make-up from a very early age, ever since I started doing make-up for going out, I was not that experimental with it, but as I was growing up, I started to be more adventurous (in a good, non-extravagant way of course!) and experimented more with make-up looks, tools and products. Say, I started giving new colour combinations a go, trying out new products and stuff like that. However, I was a bit reluctant on lip-liner, mostly because of the horrid 1990's trend of a black or dark brown lip-liner and nude lips. I really despised that look (and I still do now!). In fact, I only own 4 lip-liners to date, one of which is actually a dupe for the Estee Lauder one, so that brings it down to 3 shades (how's that for a collection hehe??).  The reason that I have a dupe is that I have been looking all over the internet for the Estee Lauder but I guess it was limited edition or simply, they discontinued the shade.  At this point, you maybe asking "how come a minute ago she says she's reluctant on lip-liner, and now she claims she was on the look-out for a dupe?" The answer is simple... I got to love lip-liner now that I learned how to achieve the perfect look with it!

Finally, let me start reviewing the lip-liner in question. You can tell from the picture that I use this lip-liner a lot! And how can I not? It's such a lovely, neutral, nude shade! It is perfect for both toned-down everyday looks and evening looks where I don't want my lips to stand out more than my eyes. It's original size is something like the other lip-pencil in the photo:

I particularly like this lip-liner pencil because it resembles very much the colour of my lips and I like how it matches one of my favourite lipsticks (Deborah Rossetto 24 Ore in 13 Creamy, right). Here are some pictures to illustrate this:

This lip-liner really does it's job, i.e. it prevents my lipstick from bleeding and helps it stay on for longer, often lasting me for two hours straight!! During those two hours, I would have talked (a lot!), drank, ate and kissed my bf and the colour would still be on my lips. The trick is to (apart from a good base), line your lips, then lightly shade the whole of your lips. This will make your lipstick look as if it is freshly applied and this tip applies for all lip colours. *Take good care of your lips as cracks/peeling lips and lip-liners aren't good partners. The reason for this is that since lip-liners are somewhat dry, they will make dry skin stand out more*. 

Furthermore, the colour is really easy to apply as it glides on the lips really smooth. With regards to smell, if you put the lip-liner close enough to your nose and take a good sniff, chances are you will regret doing so! It does have a strong, bad smell but whilst applying it, I never took any notice of this, despite of the proximity of the lips and nose!

It is a pity that I can't find the same one by Estee Lauder and all I can do now is hope that the Revlon dupe I found works just as well!

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