Small, essential thingies Haul: Clothes & Beauty-related Stuff

Posted by dublek on Friday, October 29, 2010

Here is a collective haul of things I have purchased these lasts couple of weeks.

Two pairs of jeans for everyday wear. I got these from the brand 'Bossini' as I needed some new jeans to wear to University and when I go out during the week.  The first one I got for free (so to speak) as Mum had some promotional vouchers and so I got the jeans with them (€31) whilst the other one (black), I got 25% off the original price, so I paid €23.63 for it instead of €31. Here are some pictures of detailing on the side and back pockets:

I asked Dad to get me some brushes to use with gels for nail extensions as I like to have different brushes so as not to end up using the same ones for all colours etc.  I use size 4 and size 6 brushes:

Last but not least, seeing I was running out of eye make-up remover, I took the opportunity and got mine for free with my usual facial wash as there was a promotion running on.  Due to the crappy weather we've been having over here in Malta, I have been having bad hayfever attacks, often ending up obstructing my breathing and so on and so forth, so I also grabbed some tissues to keep on my bed-side table:

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