Stylish Blogger Award!

Posted by dublek on Monday, January 3, 2011

I've been awarded yet again! This time, the award comes from Zoe and it is the Stylish Blogger Award! Thank you so much :)

 * Thank the person who awarded you and link back to them.

* Share 8 facts about yourself

* Pay it forward to 4 other Bloggers

* Let the Bloggers know you have awarded them.

8 Facts about me

- I am a big fan of 20's, 30's, 40's & 50's fashion and make-up trends.

- I collect postage stamps.  I used to collect any postage stamps from all around the world but then my collection was getting out of hand so I stuck with local ones only. I still have the others though :)

- I also like to keep fancy clothes' tags!

- Pink and Purple nail polishes are my favourites.

- Mascara was the first make-up item I started experimenting with!

- I have been growing my hair for over a year. I always had short hair and tried on a multitude of styles but I now want to see how I look like with long hair and try longer hairstyles :) I miss my short pob though...

- I like to do all my beauty treatments at home! Be it facials, waxing, manis and pedis, you name it! I really feel relaxed and enjoy doing them!

- I adore cutely shaped scented candles... preferably vanilla or rose :)

I give this award to:

Blogger Templates
Blogger Templates

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