Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award!

Posted by dublek on Monday, January 24, 2011

The ever so sweet Ashley of CosmeticEye, was kind enough to award me The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award :) Thank you hun! I really enjoy reading her posts and watching her YouTube videos so definitely check her out!

Now, on receiving the award I have to list 5 guilty pleasures of mine and pass on the award to three other bloggers :)

5 Guilty Pleasures

Chocolate - I am a real chocaholic!

Shoes & Nail Polishes!!!! I just can't have enough of them :D

Blogging - my latest hobby and I'm lovin' it!

Girly reads

Make-up and anything that translates into pampering-me-time... scrubs, lotions, bubble baths, etc...

I give this award to:

Enigma - I love reading all her posts, especially those that are nail related!

Martina and Denise - these two have recently started a new blog together with very informative posts related to beauty!

Charlene - I really enjoy reading her blog and love the cute pictures she posts :)

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