Nail Polish Removers

Posted by dublek on Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hey guys so today I wanted to share my views on some nail polish removers.
I currently have three nail polish removers:

~ Elegant Touch Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover
~ Classics Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover

I had reviewed the latter a while ago (click on its name above) but I will still give my views about it here so that you can easily compare it with the other two.

What ever you buy, make sure the formula is Acetone-free. Acetone tends to dry the nails and consequently weaken them and they start to split... not a good look! Acetone-free polish remover is also suitable to use on artificial nails as it won't dissolve them away like acetone formulas do (the exception are gel nails which do not dissolve on contact with acetone).

First up, Elegant Touch Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover. I don't really like this remover. It was double the cost of my usual Classics one but sadly the price didn't reflect in the results :(. I only bought this as my supermarket was out of stock of the Classics one. Anyway, I don't like it because it takes ages to remove the nail polish and you have to rub really hard on your nails... contrary to the claims that it is 'for quick, clean and effective removal of nail polish'.

On the label, it says Acetone Free. However, for the French customers, this may be a bit misleading as there is written 'Dissolvant avec acetone' which means acetone polish remover; then again, on the side label, there is written 'Dissolvant sans acetone' - Acetone free polish remover!! The same goes for Italian and Spanish customers... the fact that the nail polish is acetone free is only pointed out on the side label. Not everyone understands English you know!!

More label issues... on the front, there is written that the polish remover contains Panthenol but it is not listed in the ingredients list which is composed of: Ethyl Acetate, Isopropyl Alcohol, Aqua, Glycerin, Parfum, Benzophenone-1, C1 42053.

The only thing I like about this remover is the faint cucumber smell. I only use this to clean my nail art supplies such as brushes, stamping plates, stampers and scrapers.

This remover retails at around €3 for 200ml.

Next comes in Classics Acetone Free Nail Polish Remover. This is my absolute favourite out of all three. I use it every week to remove my nail varnish and it just gets rid of it all in one fell swoop!!! The best part is since it is acetone free it doesn't dry my nails at all. The ingredients are: Ethyl Acetate, Isopropanol, Aqua and Glycerine. This smells pretty much like other removers, nothing particular. I also like the price tag of this remover... around €1.50 for 150ml! I have to stock up actually cos I'm running low on it.

Finally, Orly Wrap & Tip. This isn't exactly a nail polish remover. It is mostly intended for removal of artificial nail tips but it can also be used to remove nail varnish from natural finger nails. When I got this, I couldn't wait to try it so on my first opportunity, I took my nail polish off with it. I was amazed to see that it only took a couple of seconds to remove it all without a trace and in around 1 minute (!!!!) I had taken all the nail polish off! I was a bit disappointed with this product as there are no ingredients listed on the bottle and thus I can't figure out if the formula is acetone free or not (my guess would be it is since this is a professional product). With regards, smell, this smells quite strong so it's a good thing that you can get on with the removal process quickly. The retail price for this is €4 for a 100ml. It is a specialized product so you won't find it in drugstores/supermarkets.

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