Top-Ten Tuesdays ~ Lip Products

Posted by dublek on Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Good morning my lovelies hope you had a good night's sleep and are now ready to face the day, no matter what it throws at you ;). And what better way to do it than that extra confidence that a perfect pout is guaranteed to give? So, for that extra bit of help, I am going to share my Top-Ten Lip Products. Here we go (as always, click on the names for a full review)!

6. The Body Shop Born Lippy Passionberry Lip Balm
4. Nivea Care Gloss & Shine in Natural

Vaseline still remains my all time favourite product for keeping lips moisturized though, but since this was more targeted to 'actual' beauty products, I left it out. Anyways, what are your favourite lip products ladies?

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