Pretty in Fluorescent Pink for a good cause :)

Posted by dublek on Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Last October, elf cosmetics UK came up with a noble idea to donate £1 of the proceeds on every Fluorescent Nail polish bought from their site to the Cancer Research UK.  The total sum was of £399. Here's the note published on their facebook fan page:

Thank you very much for your kind gift of £339.00 to support the work of Cancer Research UK.

Our work, funded entirely by supporters like you, has been at the heart of progress that has seen cancer survival rates double in the last thirty years. However, one in three of us will still get cancer at some point, and it is vital we continue to discover new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer to ensure millions more people will survive. We have contributed to 19 of the top 20 drugs used to treat cancer patients worldwide and with your help we can continue our research which includes supporting over 100 clinical trials and funding more than 4,500 researchers, doctors and nurses throughout the UK.

If you have any questions or would like further information on the work of Cancer Research UK, please do not hesitate to get in touch on 020 7121 6699 or by email at
Yours sincerely

Claire Wilson

Head of Supporter Services Cancer Research UK

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