Today's purchase... Brush holder

Posted by dublek on Monday, August 16, 2010

Today, as Mum was at the supermarket to make her weekly errands, she came across a nifty stainless steel brush holder and bought it for me since she immediately thought of my nail art and make-up brushes :) thanks Mum xxx.

It came dismantled in an ordinary cardboard box and it consists of three pieces...

A quite spacious pot, what looks like a wire-mesh tray and the coiled brush holder. This is how it looks when assembled:

I still cannot work out however, what the mesh-tray has to do :S. The larger brushes won't be able to fit in this holder but it's good enough for the smaller ones and even my nail tech brushes!! I will use this brush holder to leave the brushes to dry in it after I wash them... all I have to do is just clip the brushes in the coil spaces and leave them to dry and drip in the pot!

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