4 Things Tag :)

Posted by dublek on Sunday, August 22, 2010

The ever so beautiful Hannah tagged me in her four things tag post *thank you Hannah xxx* and since this is the first time someone has tagged me I was a bit excited :) So, here are my responses!

4 Things in my Bag

1. My make-up purse
2. Red moc-croc Nine West wallet
3. House keys with a pink butterfly key-finder and Betty Boop key-ring
4. Pink ipod shuffle

4 Things in my Purse

1. Cash
2. VISA and other credit cards
3. Dorothy Perkins loyalty card
4. Some plain hair grips for emergencies :P

4 Things in my Bedroom

1. Laptop
2. Storage drawers for all my nail stuff
3. Wardrobe full of clothes in which I never find anything to wear
4. Comfy bed

4 Things I've always wanted to do

1. Succeed in my area of study
2. Travel around all of Italy, Greece, and oh well the whole world!
3. Become a gel nail technician
4. Raise a family with my loved one

4 Things I'm Currently Into

1. Gel nail extensions
2. Experimenting with make up looks
3. Nail Art
4. Two & A Half Men

4 Things I bet you didn't know about me

1. I was born with really long finger-nails
2. I'm quite short for my age
3. I collect postage stamps
4. I'm studing to become a Medical Laboratory Technician

4 Songs I can't get out of my head

1. OMG ~ Usher & Will.i.am
2. We Speak No Americano - Yolanda Be Cool feat. DCUP
3. Alejandro - Lady Gaga
4. Commander - David Guetta & Kelly Rowland

And finally, I tag...

1. One More Lipstick
2. Beauty Blog Roll
3. CosmeticEye
4. Pinkissimo-Pinkhair

Rules: Once tagged, you must link the person who tagged you and tag 4 other bloggers and let them know they have been tagged :) Give four answers to each question asked.

Let me know when you have done yours! Can't wait to read all your responses!

Lara xoxo

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