New Year, New Series! Mid-Week Beauty Master-class!

Posted by dublek on Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Good morning ladies :) Hope you are now all cured from the festive hangovers and fully geared up for the New Year!

I decided to start this series dealing with make-up application and skin basics I feel everyone needs to know in order to make the best out of make-up. Therefore it will resemble a Make-up  one on one.  I have already written a few general posts which you might want to refer to so as the first post of the series, I am going to link all these posts here for easier referral. 

To know more about what the skin is and it's various functions, click here; you might also want to check out my face cleansing routine here.  However, always adapt this routine to your skin needs.  To know what your skin type is, check out this post! You can also find more tips for clear skin here.

The colour wheel is an indispensable tool when deciding which colours to use so be sure to have a look at it here.  This other post deals with all the basic make-up tools everyone should have.

Another post I had posted on this blog which is worth a read deals with eyebrow shaping. Click here for more.

I hope you will all enjoy this series and please do not hesitate to send me your requests about what you would  like to see here :)

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